The Fireplace Inspection Process
When you are preparing to install a new fireplace in Ramsey, your installation process will begin with a fireplace inspection. During the fireplace inspection, your technician will take a careful look at your existing fireplace doors and other features that are essential to your wood burning or gas fireplace. To begin, your fireplace company will take exact measurements of your current fireplace and mantel. If you do not already have a fireplace in your home, a technician will measure the area where you would like to have your fireplace installed. After the measurements are taken, your technician will provide you with a precise assessment of the types of fireplaces that will be well suited to your property. Finally, the last step of the fireplace inspection process is to offer an accurate and detailed cost estimate for your project. If you have been dreaming of a new fireplace for the coming winter, be sure to schedule a fireplace inspection today.